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Why Restaurants Have Television

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Here are the reasons why restaurants have TVs in their establishments. Many restaurants have them, and even new restaurants are automatically including them in their restaurants on the first day of opening. These are used in restaurants for entertainment, but it is not to entertain the employees The tvs are there specifically for the entertainment of their guests.

Contrary to the belief of some, restaurants aren’t trying to get their guests to eat and leave as fast as possible. Restaurants put TVs in their restaurants to keep their guests in the establishment. All types of restaurants that have dining tables and television want their guests to feel welcomed to come in, eat, and stay awhile.

Having an establishment with dimmed lights, seating, and television, makes an individual feel like they are getting a piece of their own home as they sit down, order, and eat their food.

When restaurants have television, they usually will leave the TV on the same channel everyday and never turn it. Usually only at the request of the customer will they change the channel temporarily to something else. Even if employees ask to change the channel, the managers at restaurants normally don’t, since the television was bought for the customers to enjoy.

Changing the channel for employees only distracts them and keeps them from working. They may even stop working altogether and forget to check on their guests.

The channel that restaurants often leave the TV on is the sports channel. Usually it will be on the sports highlights of games that have already been played. This is because generally the restaurants don’t know what their guests want to watch, and they may want to avoid anything that would offend their guests’ families while they are eating.

Unfortunately, because of the seating position of the guests and the ambience, the television’s volume is usually left off, unless it is a specific restaurant that really wants their guests to stay there for hours. Then the television becomes one of the main attractions, which is why the sports channel is often set on the TV as a default.

When certain events that people want to watch on the television happen, then it is the golden opportunity for restaurants to use TVs to their advantage and show everyone what they want to see on it. This maximizes their potential for profit.

When their guests come in and see that there is a television on days like this, they are more inclined to bring their entire family to the restaurant, or all of their friends next time. With more people at the restaurant enjoying themselves, then it means more profit for the restaurant as well.

The friends and family will be more inclined to hang out occasionally at the restaurant rather than other places, which means if they get hungry while they are there, they will order more food. Even if they never watch the television, it just subconsciously makes the area feel like a comfortable place to hang out.

Compared to a restaurant without television, it doesn’t feel this much this way if there isn’t something that the guests can freely enjoy while they are at the restaurant. This means that they may feel more pressed to leave, or only show up to grab something to eat, but without their friends and family.

Why Do Restaurants Have So Many TVs?

For the restaurants that have multiple televisions in their restaurant, it is because they are trying to give an angle for everyone of their seated guests to effectively watch television. When possible, the restaurant will activate subtitles so that the volume of all the televisions will not collide with each other when it is on. The volume is turned off and the subtitles are used instead.

However, if all the televisions are set to the same channel, then sometimes the volume is on, since the sound will not collide with the sound from other televisions, because they are on the same channel.

The restaurants have multiple televisions, because they really want their guests to get engaged into the television and stay at the restaurant a little longer. The longer their guests stay at the restaurant, the more chance there is that one of their guests will buy something to eat, even after they have already eaten at the establishment.

Having multiple televisions also tells their customers that their restaurant is a common place to eat and hang out. It makes it seem as if they get a lot of business, and that they are a good, friendly, well established restaurant. These things actually work, because why else would a restaurant spend so much money for all those TVs, right? This is the image that is placed on the subconscious of their guests.

Having multiple televisions everywhere makes the restaurant look well established, fun, and people friendly. The same goal is in mind with the more TVs that they have: making their guests feel at home so that they will stay longer and order more food. Getting the guests to stay longer after their meal means that their might be dessert that they will buy later.

Guests are also inclined to buy more food to take home before they leave, another fountain drink, or a snack.

Also, smaller restaurants that have televisions placed in many places, but can be seen by most of their guest no matter where they sit, are usually on different channels. Having many televisions on different channels allows for variety for the entire family. Dad can watch the game, while the kids watch a cartoon show.

Sometimes that same restaurant will have cartoons, sports, and the soap opera showing on their televisions all at the same time. It means that even if an entire family didn’t come in, even the few people that did come to eat can find something to sit down and watch.

If an individual comes in to eat food by themselves, they will eat, but may have nothing to do but stare out the the window at the cars driving by. The television gives them something to do with their time while they are eating.

Usually if people are eating, then they are also doing something else too at the same time. The TV in restaurants gives them something to do if they didn’t come to the restaurant to talk all day with a friend. It makes them feel more comfortable while eating at the restaurant, and it doesn’t make them feel like they should be in a hurry to leave, causing the restaurant to possibly profit more.


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