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Why Bottled Water Is Important

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This article will cover the reasons why bottled water is important. Bottled water is everywhere, but does it really have a value, or is it just a convenience to have? Some people believe that bottled water is a scam, however we found that there is no real reason to support this claim. It is easy for people to take important things for granted whenever they have a seemingly endless supply of that substance.

However, once an individual sees that there is the possibility of running out of this vital resource (water), then it becomes easy to understand its important and thank God for it. As most people may already know, there are individuals that have to walk for hours everyday to find water; and that water isn’t always clean. This leads us to the first reason why bottled water is important, and gives us a better perspective to why bottled water costs money.

Bottled water can supply clean water easily to individuals that need clean water as soon as possible. Since bottled water is water that is already made clean, then it only needs to be transported to the individuals that needs the clean water. There is no need to buy empty bottles, fill them up, and transport it afterwards. A bottled water can just be opened immediately and used as is after it is purchased.

Bottled water to some individuals is just seen and used as a convenience to supply people that want it with water other than tap water. Other individuals buy bottled water as a necessity for their activities. It isn’t too uncommon to see an athlete with their own personal canteen/bottle filled with water. However, during strenuous activities that are done away from a plentiful source of water, bottled water becomes even more valuable.

Having the personal bottle or canteen that is filled with water is nice, but it does often run out if the activities that are done are too strenuous, because more water is usually consumed. After it runs out and there isn’t a nearby source of clean water, then it can become vital to have bottled water. Bottled water is normally bought many times in packs for this reason to supply hard workers and athletes with much needed water in a pinch. Many businesses buy bottled water for this reason.

Some individuals may overlook bottled water in these situations as not being a necessity, however it is important. Anyone that is taking a long hike up a dry canyon and forgot to bring their own personal water, can definitely appreciate having bottled water brought by someone else in an iced cooler.

I myself have been in such a situation while doing regular military exercises in hot weather that often involves running in open rural areas. The first time that I did this, I learned my lesson. I didn’t bring enough water, but it was supplied at the end of the run as bottled water in an iced cooler. I wasn’t much of a water person at that time, but I definitely needed water during those runs. No water was easily available in those situations, except through bottles.

Many people that are dealing with having to constantly or occasionally work in environments where water isn’t readily available, appreciate bottled water even more. Usually these are the individuals that buy bottled water the most. Some people run for miles in places where bottled water becomes vital, while others work in these situations for a living. Individuals running in a marathon for example is a really good reason to have bottled water.

In situations where an individual needs water as soon as possible after their strenuous work, bottled water can supply these needs better than having to go all the way back home to get it. In fact, if someone needs water and someone wants to get it for them, one of the first places that people will go to get water if they don’t have it for that person is a nearby convenience store. They are expecting bottled water to be there to buy it and take it to the person that needs it.

If the store doesn’t have bottled water, then they may not know what to do to get water to the person promptly that needs it. This is why bottled water is everywhere; even in stores that don’t even sell food and drinks as a business.

Another reason why bottled water is important is during a situation where an individual has no running water at home. This could be due to cold weather, water being manually shut off, or some other reason similar to these. One of the only options at this point may be to get bottled water from a local store until there is access to running water in the home. Not having running water at home can of course cause a lot of problems really fast.

The average person drinks 1 to 2 liters of water a day. If the water is shut off at their residence or it isn’t running, bottled water becomes one of their only choices. This is the reason why bottled water isn’t only a convenience for those with a plentiful unlimited source, it is all that some individuals have that they can buy and drink.

Other homes may also have water, but not clean water. Drinking the same water that is found in nature can have its consequences of it isn’t filtered first. Unfiltered unclean water can cause headaches, nausea, sicknesses, diseases, and diarrhea. For some individuals, this water can also get them sick enough that they end up dying unfortunately. For those individuals, that is there everyday life.

Bottled water can supply a vast amount of clean fresh water to individuals that need it in an emergency, both in rural and suburban areas. It is not only convenient, but it is important to have, since water is a vital part of living for human beings. We cannot live without water. Individuals regularly buy bottled water for this reason, because they need enough clean water for consumption, and for their daily activities.


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