This article will cover how to fix bloody burgers. It is the normal process for burgers to bleed when they are cooked. The ‘blood’ found in burgers is actually myogloblin, not actual blood, as all the blood is removed from the meat before it is cooked. Red is the actual color of beef before it is cooked to a certain temperature. This bleeding affect can also occur in vegan burger patties from the myogloblin-like substance in plants.
There are many ways to fix this problem, but nothing can really be done before the cooking process. It is natural for the burger patty to begin bleeding while it is cooking. It is a sign that the heat is cooking the middle of the burger patty. This is a good thing, since it can be difficult to tell sometimes if a burger is thoroughly cooking.
This bleeding doesn’t mean that the burger is almost done cooking. It just means that the burger is somewhere in between in its cooking phase. Once the burger has cooked for a longer period of time, then the burger will stop bleeding. However, you don’t want to cook the burger for too long and use the bleeding as a indicator that it is finished cooking. This will make the burger dry eventually if cooked for to long.
The juice in the burger is the myogloblin and the melted fats that are seeping through the burger. Some of this juice is necessary to keep the burger from drying out.
Why are my burgers so bloody?
As stated, the red that you are seeing in the burger isn’t blood. It is myoglobin, a protein that works in the muscles to help deliver vital oxygen to the cells. The myoglobin proteins are red in color. They work with hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to the muscles. Beef has some of the highest amounts of myoglobin when compared to chicken, turkey, pork, and lamb.
Chicken isn’t considered to be a red meat, not just, because of its looks, but also because it has very small amounts of myoglobin. This is why the chicken’s meat appears slightly pink, and easily becomes lighter when it is cooked (more white).
Depending on how the muscles are used in the body of the animal, it determines the color of the meats, because of the level of myoglobin. Cows are heavy creatures. Since cows are so heavy, it takes a lot of ongoing oxygen to the muscles on an ongoing basis to be able to hold up the stress from its heavy form. This means more myoglobin is present, which gives the meat in burgers a red color.
After the burger patties have cooked for enough time at a high enough temperature (around 140 degrees Fahrenheit or more), then the red juice will begin to change colors from a red to a brown. This is caused by a chemical reaction sparked by the proteins in the burger heating up. It causes the myoglobin to lose an electron.
This myoglobin combined with the water in the meat, causes the liquid to look like blood. However, the color isn’t that of blood, and the liquid bleeding from the beef isn’t that thick, as blood would be. This red liquid can be visible in deer, pork, lamb, as well as beef of course. If the animal has been slaughtered under the supervision of a processing plant, then the actual blood will have been drained from the meat completely.
The carcass of a cow is left with its fat and meat, the organs are removed, and the cow still has meat that appears red, even though the blood has been drained. How we know that it is bloody looking in appearance because of myoglobin, is simply by examining a chicken’s meat after it has been slaughtered, and it’s blood has been drained. The water in the meat of uncooked chicken that bleeds out, takes on the color of the meat as well (pink), the same way the red is displayed from the beef, yet it isn’t red.
Is it okay if a burger is bloody?
Yes. This is normal if the burger is bloody, considering that the meat has been cooked correctly. It will bleed while it is cooking, and also after it has cooked. Since this happens after the burger patty has cooked, it is generally best to let the burger patty sit for a second (rest) before putting it on the buns. If the patties are ‘bleeding’ a lot, then it will continue this process while it is on the burger bun, which will result in the bread turning red or soggy.
This is why it is advised to let the patties rest a little while (5 to 10 minutes) before placing it on the bun. The patties can be placed on a drying rack after they cook, which will help the patty bleed out from the bottom while it is elevated on the drying rack grates.
You will need to check the inside of the burger patty to make sure that it is fully cooked. It shouldn’t be really pink in the middle when it is opened. This means that it could possibly be undercooked. The more that the burger patty bleeds, the more cooking has been done in the middle of the patty, as the high heat makes the burger patties lose their moisture.
This is why using the initial bleeding of the patties as an indicator to whether or not the burgers are finished cooking, is not a good idea. The burgers will bleed this way during the cooking process, and after the cooking process either way.
This means that it is overall OK if the burger patties are ‘bloody’, as this is inevitable. The worst thing that can happen with a bloody burger like this, is that it can make the bread that it is in soggy.
Another thing to consider is the color of the liquids coming from the burger patty. As stated earlier, the myoglobin will experience a chemical reaction that will turn the red substance brown. If this is red on the bun when the burger bleeds, then it is most likely undercooked and needs to cook for longer.